by Rick Ferris
Let us know if you have some other news to report
(Link to favorite jam songs list)
(Link to favorite jam songs list)
Here are some jam and jam-related news:
[DETAILS are down BELOW !!]
[DETAILS are down BELOW !!]

The north Tampa BluegrassJam meets at Boba House on Mondays — such as Sept 9
and …
A few other local music links are at the end of this intro section -- suggestions welcome.
and ...
Please call or email if you'd like something posted, if correction is needed, if you need more info, if someone should be added to or removed from the list, if you have technical problems with the email, etc ...
Some details about the jam are online at http://www.folkjam.org/
be safe ...
Rick Ferriss
cell : 813-850-8168
More info about local jams and related events (updated march 2018):
** The Friends of Florida Folk website has lots of statewide folk info, including a page that lists jams all over Florida (http://www.foff.org/index.
** Jim Glover manages the voluminous emails for the venerable Sarasota/Bradenton Wednesday jam (of which the Tuesday night Tampa jam is an offspring) -- if you'd like to receive them, email him at jimglover@verizon.net
** folkjam.org has had a recent upgrade, and shows promise as a world-wide jam resource.
** Tampa Bay Musicians Meetup does not seem to be active (http://www.meetup.com/tampa-
** www.musictampabay.com has internet radio and lots more about local music (including a low-power St Pete radio station)
** The Tampa Bay Open Mic Meetup is for anyone who enjoys performing in or attending open mic nights:

Here's the latest Bluegrass Jam email from Ward:
Begin forwarded message:
From: alfolk@aol.com
Subject: Another cool fwd from our friend George - Banjo Weekly: What
Date: June 7, 2019 at 6:20:41 PM EDT
Hi everybody...
Please enjoy. I hope you can join us @ Boba on Monday, because we do a pretty rollicking version ourselves. Have a great weekend!
Every Monday 7-9 at:
Boba House
2764 University Square Drive 33612
(in the strip of shops at the Sears end of the road that runs to Sears from Bruce B Downs (30th st) [by Panera Bread])
Boba's Facebook page: