Benefits of FOFF Membership
State-Wide Calendar
Network with other folk enthusiasts
Find state and local festivals
Find local teachers of musical instruments
Find information on Florida Songwriters and Performers
Supporting Florida's Folk Arts Tradtions and Artists
Membership provides financial support of organization
and more.........
Find local dance, storytelling, and music events
About FOFF Membership
FOFF memberships are available at the following levels:
$500 Sustaining Member
$250 Benefactor
$100 Patron
$75 Sponsor
$50 Donor
$30 Contributor
$20 Member
NEW Members !! RENEW ONLINE with
Payment Options:
FOFF membership renewals are processed through PayPal. PayPal will accept many forms of payment, including Visa, MasterCard, and other credit cards.
To join FOFF or to renew your membership use the printable form. .
(Use your browser's BACK button to return to this page.)
Print the form, fill it in, and mail it to:
Make your check out to
Friends of Florida Folk or F.O.F.F and send to:
Margaret Lewis,
Membership Director, FOFF,
4411 Bee Ridge Rd PMB 281
Sarasota, FL 34233